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The "Farmers Insurance News-Alert" website is being provided to update the consumer with publicly available information concerning the Farmers Insurance Group. This includes news reports, consumer complaints, lawsuit's and other legal actions. All information contained herein is for educational and consumer purposes only. This website is not affiliated with the Farmers Insurance Group in any way. This website is a service provided to the public for consumer education & non-profit. We are not responsible for accuracy in articles content.





Does B.A.T. (British American Tobacco) own Farmers Insurance? Yes, a British based company also owns Brown & Williamson Tobacco and Farmers Insurance Group.

Is Farmers Insurance guilty of bad faith and discovery abuse in litigation?

Does Farmers Insurance withhold "legal" documents that are relevant to policy holders and employees?

Does Farmers Insurance discriminate because of age and ethnic backgrounds against policy holders and employees?

Does the Farmers Insurance investigation division use illegal tactics when investigating policy holders and employees?

Does Farmers Insurance treat employees and policy holders fairly with regards to race, sex, age and disabilities?

Farmers Insurance and the Ebony Files (click Here)

See for yourself from our extensive archive of over 200 Public Domain Documents.

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